Juli 05, 2011

Re: Introduction


who you are - Bernard Dahilig - where you come from - Seattle WA, your hobbies - surf relevant info online, health & fitness, freedom & health movement, movies, sustainable & organic cuisine, fine wine, fine women - what you are
looking for in the group - various methods of making money online added to my Affiliate Marketing Biz @ present, to network w/ like minded individuals & build a solid network of Netrepreneurs in passing knowledge to up & coming business minded peepz such as us here in this community.

--- In Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com, "Bright Igiebor" <brightigiebor@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> Kindly introduce yourself to the group by replying to this message.
> Tell us who you are, where you come from, your hobbies, what you are
> looking for in the group, etc. You may wish to visit our homepage
> http://www.happiness4you.info

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