April 29, 2012

Re: What do you prefer between wealth and good name?


It seems most people will go for wealth in real life. I hope you're able to learn how to make money online through this group

From: Funny Guy <ich_liebe_spa@yahoo.de>

I prefer wealth because I can use my wealth to help others and thereby make a good name for myself. Can you show me how to make money online?
--- In Chris_Discussion_Group@yahoogroups.com, "Chris B." wrote: >


What do you prefer. WEALTH (riches) or GOOD NAME ? Please give at least one reason for your answer.


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Informasi Pasang Iklan Tokobagus



Kepada member Tokobagus Yth,

Terima kasih kesetiaannya untuk selalu menggunakan Tokobagus.com sebagai media iklan anda.

Sebagai usaha dalam meningkatkan kualitas iklan untuk produk/jasa di Tokobagus.com, 
pada 1 Mei 2012 mendatang kami akan berlakukan proses moderasi pada setiap iklan di semua kategori.

Iklan yang telah anda buat tidak akan langsung tampil pada www.tokobagus.com, namun akan melalui proses pengecekan/penyaringan (moderasi) terlebih dahulu. Tim support kami akan memilih iklan yang sesuai dengan peraturan umum di tokobagus.com untuk dapat ditampilkan secepatnya.

Agar iklan yang anda buat dapat tampil segera, mohon diperhatikan beberapa hal diantaranya seperti berikut :

  • Judul iklan yang sesuai dengan barang/jasa yang diiklankan (tanpa ada nomor telpon, url/link, symbol-symbol dan kata-kata yang tidak berkaitan dengan barang/jasa yang dijual).
  • Materi iklan, tidak menjual barang/jasa yang melanggar hak cipta/intelektual, seperti replika, kw/kw super, imitasi/tiruan dll.
  • Harga yang dicantumkan merupakan harga yang sudah tetap/nego/yang paling mendekati harga harapan, bukan Rp.1,-/Rp.0,-.
  • Gambar yang dipasang sesuai dengan barang/jasa yang diiklankan, tidak ada nama situs yang tercetak (watermark).
  • Deskripsi berkaitan langsung dengan produk/jasa yang diiklankan, tidak menduplikasi dari halaman website lain (html), tidak menampilkan url/link/text yang merujuk ke situs lain yang serupa/kompetitor/blogspot/wordpress/tumblr/myspace ataupun toko online pribadi (kecuali menggunakan promo poin hubungan antar website).

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai peraturan yang kami sudah buat, silahkan kunjungi link berikut : Petunjuk & Aturan Umum.

Kami mohon dengan sangat dimasa mendatang iklan yang anda buat dapat sepenuhnya sesuai dengan peraturan kami, agar tidak terjadi penghapusan/penolakan iklan anda.

Salam sukses selalu

Tim Tokobagus.com



You can reach us at :

Gedung TIFA 3rd floor, Jl. Kuningan Barat 1 No.26 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Tlp : +62-21-53903337 - Fax : +62-21-53903338

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April 28, 2012

Got a Talent | Sell Your Talent | Make the Money


GigsTalents.com is The marketplace for people to share things they're willing to do from $5 - $500

Every individual has got some talents or skills. Its upto each one to recognize what he or she is good at. Once that is done, you can use it to your benefit and make some money out of it.

GigsTalents is a product of Gigsler.com and was launched because we saw the need for a place where people of different communities could come together, meet, trade and help each other in many ways using their talents and skills.

People are good at so many things!!! So why not make money from something that you are good at. Community members can come here and sell their talents or skills for money. You can greate a GIG of your service and quote a price for it. A interested buyer will pass by your Gig and may order it. You deliver it and get your money. SIMPLE.

We hope to address all such needs and more by connecting people in an easy and friendly way. We're working hard to spread the word and respond to your needs. And we need your support. Do share your experience with friends and family. And, if you have any suggestions, do send us a mail at admin@gigstalents.com to help us serve you better.


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I Give You FREE-CASH & Guarantee-Daily-Profits


Fellow YahooGroup Member,

I have gone totally berserk over this Business!
And for Good Reason. . .

If you are sick and tired of recruiting
only to have members drop out. . .

If you are tired of losing-money. . .

Then you will LOVE this Business! Why?
Those things just do NOT happen here.

We have a 100% RETENTION RATE!


1. We ALL Make-Money Here -Guaranteed-
2. We ALL -Profit- Each And Every 24 Hours
3. This is a 100% -Guaranteed- Sustainable Business
4. Everyone gets one -FREE- 10.00 Position to start. . .

BUT, to help you profit-even MORE, THIS Sponsor
will REFUND you 10 DOLLARS by AlertPay IF you
purchase 3 or more positions when you join.

This is OPTIONAL but it will start you with 4 Positions
for the price of 2! Those 4 Positions will earn you ANOTHER
60 DOLLARS over & above your DAILY-Profits.

Just email me your Alertpay email address once you buy 3.
My email will be under your PROFILE in the members area.

You can withdraw DAILY.

No recruiting is necessary to earn but if
you do, you earn 10% & 5% on Level 1 & 2.

This Business operates legally under
a USA Patent & is owned by an 8 Year
Established Company.

JOIN US today. . .


- - -

This message is not s p a m. You and I are members of YahooGroups.

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Get a FREE forex trading account. No experience needed -


Get a FREE forex trading account. No experience needed -

the account is managed for you. No investment required -

your account starts at $100
At prelaunchX, we help companies launch new products and services. Our current launch partner is code-named Forex Firm X. Before the official launch of Forex Firm X, you can begin growing your potential earnings in three ways...
A free, managed forex account.
Sign-up bonuses (up to $100 per person).
Monthly commissions ($10/month per person)
Sign up today and invite a few friends to watch your launch group and potential earnings start growing.

Jack Tripper

Recent Activity:


Get a FREE forex trading account. No experience needed -


Get a FREE forex trading account. No experience needed -

the account is managed for you. No investment required -

your account starts at $100
At prelaunchX, we help companies launch new products and services. Our current launch partner is code-named Forex Firm X. Before the official launch of Forex Firm X, you can begin growing your potential earnings in three ways...
A free, managed forex account.
Sign-up bonuses (up to $100 per person).
Monthly commissions ($10/month per person)
Sign up today and invite a few friends to watch your launch group and potential earnings start growing.

Jack Tripper

Recent Activity:


April 27, 2012

Always MISS The BEST PreLaunches? Not Now, Hurry. . .


Fellow YahooGroup Member,

I don't know about you, but I always seem
to miss the BEST Pre-Launches.

Well. . . NOT this time!

Fortunately a highly trusted friend pointed me
to this one, owned by a very respected Businessman.

You will not want to miss it either. . .
As far as I'm concerned, its the Prelaunch of the CENTURY!

Would you like 100% automated daily/monthly income?

This is a ready-set-go system masterminded to make you
immediate-income, to ensure you receive a passive stream
of daily or monthly income. And all for under 20 dollars ONCE!

The system will manage it all for you. All you are required to
do is bring in 3 Members. If you can`t, the system will do it
for you. I plan on promoting this a LOT, which will also benefit YOU.

Imagine, locking in a $1,000+, $9,000+, and even $19,000+ a month
for such a small investment and a one-time effort of just a few Ads?
Set to launch in a few days, so don't hesitate. Get in now
and reap the rewards.


This message is not s p a m. You and I are members of YahooGroups.

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April 15, 2012

Kuis Tokobagus Berhadiah Paling Heboh

Tidak bisa melihat email ini? klik disini untuk membuka di browser.
seller survey tokobagus

Kuis Tokobagus Hadiahnya pasti Bagus


Sudah ikutan namun masih belum dapat hadiah?

Untuk kamu yang mungkin sudah pernah ikut kuis Tokobagus di minggu kemarin dan belum juga mendapatkan hadiah, masih ada beberapa minggu lagi nih kesempatan kamu untuk meraih hadiah menarik dari Tokobagus berupa uang tunai untuk pemenang harian dan ada Sony Tablet S1 Android sebagai Grand Prize.

Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Buruan ikuti kuisnya dan raih hadiah hebohnya!!

ikut survey sekarang

Pantau terus iklan TVC Tokobagus di TV nasional,
ceritanya seru lho !

jual-beli aman Klik Disini Untuk Mendapatkan
Tips Jual Beli Aman

Akses Tokobagus dari Smartphone anda

blackberry qr code android qr code mobile web coming soon coming soon

You can reach us at :

Gedung TIFFA 3rd floor, Jl. Kuningan Barat 1 No.26 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Tlp : +62-21-53903337 - Fax : +62-21-53903338

Anda mendapatkan email ini karena anda telah mendaftar sebagai member Tokobagus. You are receiving this email because you signed up for Tokobagus.

Jika anda tidak ingin lagi mendapatkan newsletter dari Tokobagus, anda selalu bisa unsubscribed melalui link ini.

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April 04, 2012

Kuis Tokobagus Berhadiah Paling Heboh

Tidak bisa melihat email ini? klik disini untuk membuka di browser.
seller survey tokobagus

Kuis Tokobagus Hadiahnya pasti Bagus


Mau dapet Sony Tablet S1 atau gadget keren Sony lainnya dan uang tunai dari Tokobagus?

Caranya gampang! Cukup daftar, jawab pertanyaan, like Facebook dan Twitter kami lalu share kuis ini ke Facebook dan Twitter kamu. Siapa sih yang ga mau kebanjiran hadiah? So, ayo ikuti kuis Tokobagus dan saatnya menjadi pemenang!

ikut survey sekarang

Pantau terus iklan TVC Tokobagus di TV nasional,
ceritanya seru lho !

jual-beli aman Klik Disini Untuk Mendapatkan
Tips Jual Beli Aman

Akses Tokobagus dari Smartphone anda

blackberry qr code android qr code mobile web coming soon coming soon

You can reach us at :

Gedung TIFFA 3rd floor, Jl. Kuningan Barat 1 No.26 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Tlp : +62-21-53903337 - Fax : +62-21-53903338

Anda mendapatkan email ini karena anda telah mendaftar sebagai member Tokobagus. You are receiving this email because you signed up for Tokobagus.

Jika anda tidak ingin lagi mendapatkan newsletter dari Tokobagus, anda selalu bisa unsubscribed melalui link ini.

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