Juni 26, 2011

Re: Why do women like to follow men having flashy cars?


She sounds like a gold digger: thinks you have money, or the potential for making lots of money. Most times, that is the purpose behind women looking for men with flashy cars.

--- In Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com, "Fred" <fred.ballas@...> wrote:
> You've said it yourself "A flashy car is attractive and everyone likes
> it". That's one of the reason why men like flashy cars + women go crazy
> for flashy car owner.
> --- In Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com, "African Woman"
> <africa_woman@> wrote:
> >
> A flashy car is attractive and everyone likes it. Is there anyone who
> does not? Why do men like having flashing cars?
> --- In Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com, "Free Woman"
> <mrs_journalist@> wrote:
> >
> Are you learning how to make money online so that you can buy flashy
> car? Why do women like to follow men having flashy cars? Is it really
> easier for men with flashy cars to get women?
> <http://www.happiness4you.info/usedcars_vehicles_cardealer.html>
> <http://www.happiness4you.info/chat_chatting_chatrooms.html>

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