Writing For Fast Cash
This Special Report Proudly Brought To You By
Tracy Yates
Striving To Bring You The Best Original Information Products For The Lowest Prices
Introduction To Fast Cash
Ever had one of those days where you needed some quick cash and your bank
account was less than zero? I have. Quite frankly, I've had more than my fair
share of those days! So, instead of complaining about being broke when I
needed some fast cash, I decided to do something about it.
See, I always did well in English class, straight A's actually, and thought,
well, heck! Why not give writing for myself a go? I mean, there has to be
more than just me interested in [insert your topic here].
Of course, finding just the right thing to write about that would bring in that
fast cash took some time. But I figured out a way, an easy way, to discover
what people really wanted to learn more about. And they would pay for
having that information.
Not a lot of money, mind you. But enough for me to earn what I needed at
that moment. And a bit extra to boot! Now I want to share this with you.
Because, well, obviously if you were in a position that you didn't need it, you
would not be reading these pages right now. So, allow me to share with you
what you can do to change your financial income from red to black Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
You now have master resale rights to this product.
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Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
Writing For Fast Cash
This Special Report Proudly Brought To You By
Tracy Yates
Striving To Bring You The Best Original Information Products For The Lowest Prices
Introduction To Fast Cash
Ever had one of those days where you needed some quick cash and your bank
account was less than zero? I have. Quite frankly, I've had more than my fair
share of those days! So, instead of complaining about being broke when I
needed some fast cash, I decided to do something about it.
See, I always did well in English class, straight A's actually, and thought,
well, heck! Why not give writing for myself a go? I mean, there has to be
more than just me interested in [insert your topic here].
Of course, finding just the right thing to write about that would bring in that
fast cash took some time. But I figured out a way, an easy way, to discover
what people really wanted to learn more about. And they would pay for
having that information.
Not a lot of money, mind you. But enough for me to earn what I needed at
that moment. And a bit extra to boot! Now I want to share this with you.
Because, well, obviously if you were in a position that you didn't need it, you
would not be reading these pages right now. So, allow me to share with you
what you can do to change your financial income from red to black
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whenever you need extra dough.
This report is set up in a way that you'll be able to easily understand the
concepts that I'm explaining to you in order for you to put them into
immediate action. Who better than I would know first hand, when you need
money, you need to have it by yesterday?!
I'm going to show you real figures and facts. Not a bunch of made up hooey
just to get you to give up your hard earned money. No matter how small the
amount. And you'll see that surface as you read through this short, concise
You'll also be taught the "where's" and "who's" of how you can sell your
information to the people that want it most. Yes. There can be a big
difference in where you place your information-for-purchase offers when it
comes to the amount of money you can rake in and how quickly you can get
it into your bank account. Or in the case of this report, your PayPal account.
Understand this before you begin. . . .I cannot guarantee any type of "you'll
make this much money in these many days" type deal here. The best I can do
is educate you in how I, and many other internet information sellers,
accomplish my "fast cash" earning goals. You must take what you learn
within these pages and put it to use effectively to see any type of results.
And, to take a "semi-quote" from Chris Farley in the movie "Tommy Boy"
"Anyone can slap a guarantee on a product to gain the buyers
trust. But, in the end, all they've really sold you is a guaranteed
piece of crap."
And that, my friend is the truth!
So, I'll let the information inside this report do what it does. Educate You.
Then, what you do with that educational material is entirely up to you. If
you've never heard this saying before, I'm going to tell it to you now:
"Life Is What You Make Of It."
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If you want yours to change, then you must change it. I'm not going to sell
you some ridiculous "pipe dream" of making millions of dollars in a month's
time. That's stupid! And, it's also, for the most part complete bull-crap. What
real people do you personally know selling information online make this kind
of money?
I sure don't! And I've been doing this for almost four years now. Sure, I make
a bit here and there. But nowhere near a million dollars. And yes. Some folks
catch a "lucky break" now and again. But that' all it is. . . .A LUCKY
In the real world, everyone must make their own "road to riches" if
you will. No one can do it for you. My dad use to say that all the time.
Probably still does too! ;-)
So, if you're ready to make some small changes to your money making
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potential today and earn actual profits, then let's get going!
A "Real" Life Example Of Using The Fast
Cash Method
To show you that you really can make small wads of cash whenever you
want, I thought it best to show you a true example of what I managed to make
within a 2 day span of offering one of my own information products. This is
an actual screen shot of my PayPal account after posting the product up for
sale. No tricks. No gimmicks. Just straight proof.
Let's do the math real quick, since you can't see the whole graphic really well.
In a 2 day period, I managed to make 15 sales for this particular article. $10
x 15 = $150. And that's the "gross" total. Of course you would have to
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deduct a certain percentage per each sale for using PayPal as a payment
Yeah, $150 might not seem like much to a lot of people, but if you are
someone that isn't making 2 cents online, it's a great start! Plus, I did say that
this was about making fast cash from writing. You have to think realistically
about the amount you'll be able to make. Think of it this way, you'll be
earning more than an 8 hour minimum wage for those 2 days of work, and it
will take you much less than 16 hours to write up something that is able to
bring in the cash.
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The "How To's" Of Fast Cash
Before you hope to make any real money from your information, you need to
know how to figure out what topics are "ripe for picking". In other words, the
topics that will make you the most amount of money as quickly as you can
make it. Especially if you're in a real "money crunch". Here are my top ways
that have brought me excellent results when I chose a topic to write on.
The Searcher
One of the quickest ways to find a popular, or "hot topic", is to do a top
keyword search. I would suggest you use NicheBot to find high keyword
results on a topic you think you'd like to write about. Another superb idea to
find out "what's hot" is to do a basic keyword search for the most searched
keywords. Confused? Don't be. I'll explain it to you ;-)
To find the most searched for keywords, go to a site like Lycos 50, or Word
Tracker, and take a close look at what's on those lists. Of course, you'll find a
bunch of crap keywords on them you couldn't do anything with. But, if you
found a keyword like sex, then you could compile some sort of dating
manual. Or "how to get lucky" guide for men or women, or both! It may be
possible for you to create an information product based on a few of the top
keywords if you use a little "brain power".
One last way is to go to Top Adsense Keywords or Yahoo! Search Marketing(use to
be Overture) and see which keywords are the most expensive. If you use the
Yahoo! Keyword Search Tool, you will have to enter a keyword you are
interested in writing up an information product around. The more money an
advertiser is paying for those keywords, you can bet the more people are
searching for them.
The Lurker
Yes. Lurking in forums is an unbelievable fountain of knowledge to find a
"hot topic". You might not think so at first. But have you ever noticed how
many questions are asked inside them? A Lot. Pay attention to the topic that
is most asked about. And use that to your money making advantage.
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See what is being discussed in over-abundance. What are the "repeat"
questions being asked over and over again? How can you take that question
and provide the answers in a helpful way that one would actually be willing
to pay you for?
Now, you need to find the right "target audience" first. What do I mean by
"target audience"? Well, you wouldn't go to a restaurant to do your laundry,
right? Same applies to the "lurker". You have to go to the right forums to get
the right information supplied to you.
So, if you're considering writing up an information product about making
money, then you'd go to a forum where "working from home", or "money
from home", or "internet marketing" was the main subject of that forum.
The same is true if you wanted to write up information on gardening or dating
tips. You'd want to go to those forums that dedicated themselves to those
specific subjects.
The Imagineer
Yep. Using your imagination to write up information about what you already
have knowledge about is a perfect way to create an information product. I've
done this before, and you can get positive results. Not as many as if you were
to use the first two "idea hunters" above. But still, if you pick a topic that fits
in with something happening currently, you'll give yourself a better chance to
For example, how about a national holiday that may be coming up? Have
some good family recipes or activity ideas? Use them! Those can be super
"hot" sellers for you. Or an activity you do? Like pro bike riding. Or
camping? Or some type of indoor/outdoor sport? Those are always a good
choice to write about.
And it will be even more interesting when you write it because only you can
write up your ideas or thoughts like you. Why is that important to making fast
cash? Well, due to the fact that many information sellers believe that there are
certain topics that there is too much information on. They call this
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But, ask yourself this. . .If that particular topic was in fact "saturated" as so
many may claim, then why are there still being more products created based
around it? Ahh! Within the question the answer lies.
Because each person as an individual has their own writing technique and
style. Like fingerprints, no two are ever quite the same. Therefore, whether
someone else thinks that a particular topic is "saturated" or not shouldn't
determine whether you can write up a great information based product about
it. Don't let the "Nay Sayers" stop you! Besides, you may find a different
approach to that topic other authors may have missed.
Now that you know how to find a rich collection of topics to base your
information products on, and when I say information products they can be as
simple as an aritcle, or as complex as a full ebook, it's time to show you how
to actually write up the text in a way that will take you the least amount of
time while bringing in cash fast.
The Article
This is the easiest, and sometimes the most lucrative "fast cash" type of
information product to sell. And, because this is almost certainly the case, we
will be making this type of information product the main focus of this report.
First though, you need to know the basic article format. Here's a base
template of how to compile your article:
Article Title
A Short Introduction – Use this to provide a brief summary of what your reader will be
learning from your article. Make it no more than a few paragraphs.
The Main Bulk of the Article – this is where the main content of your article should go.
Use paragraphs and be sure that the article follows a logical writing "flow". Put things in
order from start to finish. Use as many paragraphs as it takes. You can also use things like
a bulleted list, sub-heading titles, etc. in this area.
A Short Closing Statement – Much like the introduction, this area should consist of only
a few paragraphs that provides your reader with a brief summary of what they should have
Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
learned, or the main idea behind the article.
[Insert Your Name Here] – This is a generic sample of text letting the reader/buyer of
your article know where to stick their name.
[Insert Your Info Here] – Again, this is another generic sample of text for your
readers/article buyers to place information about them. This could be their email address,
their website, or a short little "blurb" about their skills.
Now, most articles will be distributed as plain text(.txt) files, or as Rich Text
Format(.rtf) files. Those types are fine for articles. However, I would suggest
that you use Word Document(.doc) as your file format of choice. There are
plenty of Word Document tools out there, both free and fee. Plus, it will be
easier for your buyers to make changes to the article through the Word .doc
format, or convert it into an ebook. And, buyers really prefer receiving the
articles in this format in my experience.
All right. After you get your article all ready to roll out, there is still
something to think about before you begin selling it.
And that's this. . . .There is one specific trick to making your article sell.
Since there are so many "free" articles out there, you have to give your
potential buyers something "extra" for spending their money on your
information. A.K.A. - the article.
How can you do that? Well it's pretty simple really. Offer them Private Label
Rights to the article. "Hmm, sounds interesting", you might say, "But what
exactly are private label rights?". I'll tell you. When you offer someone the
private label rights to your information, you are allowing them to claim
authorship of your product. And, in most cases, also allowing them to make
any changes they want to your finished product.
"Whoa!", you say. "Hold on there. I though I was suppose to be making
money off this deal? How can I possibly do that if I'm basically giving away
all my rights to my product??!"
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It's possible all right. And you will make money if you offer your articles in
this manner to your prospective customers. Believe me. This little "trick"
works like gangbusters. Now, would you want to do this with a full blown
ebook in contrast? Probably not. Unless you significantly raised your price
for the private label rights. For ebooks though, I recommend you stick with
Master Resale Rights.
Master resale rights are specific permissions granted to your customers who
purchase your information product to resell the product as it is, and allow
those whom they sell your product to receive the same rights. Okay. Now that
we have those pesky definitions out of the way, let's continue!
Using the "private label rights trick" is a sure fire way to get people paying
for your article. Private label rights are an extremely hot commodity right
now in the information world. Even though the concept isn't anything new.
The next step is to decide what your private label rights "terms" will be. Will
the buyers be able to resell the private label rights to others? Will they be able
to sell the article as it is for profits? Will they be able to sell the article to
others to sell? Be sure you are very specific about your terms in regards to
what your buyers can do with your article(s).
After you have all those terms worked out in a way that satisfies you, then it's
time to talk price.
I have found that for an article that is made up of about 2,000 words or more,
and here's a free online word count tool to check how many words your article is
comprised of, a standard price of $5 to $15 per private label rights article is a
good value.
If your article consists of good, solid, usable content that is. The higher the
word count of the article, the higher you can price it. But I would not suggest
you go over a maximum price of $25 for an article. No matter how big it is.
The lower your price, the better your chances of getting multiple sales.
The "Who's Where's" Of Fast Cash
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At this point, you're probably wondering where you can actually sell your
newly written article to generate the most profits the fastest. Well, that's the
easy part. Believe it or not. And it's all based around the subject matter of
your article!
The first thing you need to do is decide who your target prospects are. Or
who it is that would be the most interested in buying your article. You figure
this out based on the subject matter of your article. So, say if you wrote up a
fantastic 3,400 word article on ridding your house of pet urine smells, then
your best bet would be to find people that were either pet owners, or who sell
pet related products. The pet industry would be your "niche" in this instance.
And those involved either directly(a seller of pet related products) or
indirectly(a pet owner or purchaser of pet related products) would be your
targeted prospects.
If you have an article related to making money from home, or an online
business, you would want to find those most interested in using this type of
content, such as Internet Marketers or people looking for ways to learn how
to make money from home.
So on and so forth. But I'm sure you are getting the idea at this point. Now
that you know who your article is best suited for, it's time to find them and
start selling!
The best, and easiest place to begin looking is doing a search with your
favorite search engine for online forums that directly correlate with your
article topic. Yes. Online forums. And you thought they were just for doing
research! ☺ So, if you have written an article about the importance of using
proper English in your writings, then a writers forum would be the best place
to sell your article from.
To be sure your article sells, you have to put it in front of the right people,
and forums are the perfect place to do that. If you select the right forum.
However, there are some forums that give you greater reach as far as specific
topics go. Such as Internet Marketing forums. So long as you are selling
something, then you can make an "offer" post within their forum. Remember
Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
too that the more "members" of the forum there are, the better chance you
have of earning the best profits. So keep a keen eye out for the forum's
"official" number of members. Usually, that number is located at the bottom
left of the main forum area after you have logged into it.
But before you can do that, you must first sign up for a free user account with
the forum and you must, and I cannot stress this enough, follow their rules
down to the letter if you ever hope of getting your offer posted successfully.
If you follow the linked text "Internet Marketing forums" above, you will be
taken to a list of the most popular forums listed on Yahoo!.
Pay close attention to numbers 4 and 5. Those are the two that will make you
the serious cash. In particular, number 4. The Warrior Forum. Just in case
it's moved up or down a notch or two ;-).
This is the forum that will generate the most cash for you. The reason is quite
simple actually. This forum is filled with tens of thousands of people that are
interested in picking up a good, quality product that they can resell.
And they are even more interested in one they can slap their name on as many
of them are extremely busy folks. And there are literally tens of thousands of
members to this forum. So you have that much more of a chance in earning
fast cash from your article.
Again, I must stress that your article has to be a good, quality article. Trust
me, if you put out a crap private label article here, you will find it very
difficult, if not darn near impossible, to get another sale. So, be sure what
you're offering is of the best quality.
Also, another important point to mention. The Warrior Forum has a very
strict set of rules when posting an offer. First off, you must make your first
post in another area before you can put up something for sale. So I would
highly suggest you make your first post to the Main Forum area and introduce
Secondly, every single offer you post must be for a product that is originally
created by you. If it's not, then hang it up now. It will never be seen by any
other members inside this forum. And here's the reason for that. . .All offers
must first be approved by the forum moderators before they are shown to any
Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
of the other forum members. If your offer doesn't "cut the mustard", it won't
be approved. So, please, I urge you to read all the forum posting rules set
forth in all the areas of the Warrior Forum beforehand. Hint: They are posted
as "Stickys" at the top of every individual forum.
Forum number five, or IM4Newbies, is a wonderful place to find a whole list
of other forums that you could place your article in. And when I say a whole
list, I mean a gigantic one! Kudos to Mike Mertz for compiling such a
wonderful resource.
Not only this, but IM4Newbies also has an advertising forum set up. Just as
the Warrior Forum, this is the place, and the only place you are permitted to
post your "for sale" items.
Now, are these the only 2 forums you can post up your information products
that you are selling? Heck no! There are plenty of lucrative forums out there.
All you need to do is search them out. With that being said, The Warrior
Forum will be the forum in which you will receive the biggest response for
your information products, such as the private label articles we're speaking
about creating here in this report.
Forums are not the only place to attract sales for your newly compiled
information product though. There is another place to earn "quick cash".
From your very own mailing list.
If you have one, then you truly have an "unharvested gold mine" just waiting
to be discovered. If you don't, well, I suggest you get started as quickly as
you can building one! A super product that will explain why having your own
mailing list is so important to your financial success is Harvesting Gold From
Your Mailing List.
Can you take a guess who wrote this one? Yep. I did! And it sold like
wildfire!! Can you guess why? Well, you don't have to guess because I'm
going to tell you right now. The reason why that report sold so well is due to
the fact that anyone who's been in the Internet Marketing game for any
amount of time knows that having your very own mailing list is the easiest,
and most guaranteed way to earn money quickly.
Copyright©2006 E-Book Emporium
But, there's a trick to this as well. Just like when you write up the information
article that you plan to sell using forums, you need to price it to move.
Offering your list a great deal on a new informative product will most
assuredly earn you fast cash. If it's priced attractively enough to get their
attention. It's a flippin' "no brainer".
For instance, if I were to write up a quick 2,500 word article on how to create
a PDF ebook, slap a $5 to $7 price tag on it, and make it exclusive to my list
only, it would probably be a great seller. The reason for this is because the
subject of creating your own ebooks is the main topic of my mailing list. This
is the information my subscribers signed up to receive. So logically this is the
information they would be most willing to pay for.
Even if I don't offer any type of reselling rights to it, if the information by
itself is solid content, that won't matter one lick! My subscribers would gladly
pay the 5 bucks to get something that's convenient and useful to help them
create their own profitable product.
And say I have a subscriber mailing list of around 1,800. Not a huge number,
but also not a tiny one either. If I can convince just 5% of my subscribers that
they really need this report, I can make a gross profit of $450.00. That's the
true power behind a mailing list. And that's why you will hear 99.9% of all
Internet Marketers touting the praises of having, or building, a mailing list.
That's also what makes it such a "hot" topic too.
So, now you have two sources of earning some fast cash. And if you exploit
both sources, you're sure to make that much more money!
The End
Here we are. Finally finished learning just what you can do to earn some
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quick dough when you hit a "rough spot". Didn't I tell you it was simple?
Simple as it may be, there are plenty of people out there that don't know how
to get it done. Now you are no longer one of them!
This process can be used whenever you need to without changing anything
more than the subject you're writing about. And, as you can see, I put "my
money where my mouth is" by following the exact template I provided you
with earlier in this report.
Writing is really not a difficult process. It's pretty easy actually. Once you
find your style, you'll be writing up articles like there's no tomorrow!
The most important thing you can do if you find yourself in a "money jam" is
to take some positive action and do something to change it! Sitting back and
hoping that things will take a turn for the better won't do you any good. You
have to make them change. And now you know a way in which to bring about
that change.
I wish you all the best success you can generate for yourself. Get out there
and start making "little" cash pockets.
Tomorrow may be too late.