Februari 20, 2013

Make Money Online -100% Commissions


I am looking for 100 people to make $25-$50k per year working only 10-20 hours per week

Suits homemakers and those who want to fire their boss and work for themselves

This is a business opportunity , NOT paid employment and there is a small investment to be made


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Re: need information


I hope this helps,

If you are looking for unique ways to drive traffic, make money
from that traffic and build your email lists … this is going to
excite you!

Actually I could be getting a bit carried away here … after all
you may have heard of this but underestimated just how truly
unique and powerful the system really is…

If I am confusing you take a minute to watch this video:

I have a strong feeling that once you have watched this 1 minute
40 second video you will want to watch the 2nd video.

And please do, it will serve as an important reminder as to what
you can achieve with 'Link Jacker'.

At least give this a try, I know it works, after all this was the
original and first tool developed by the VIP Marketing Lounge way
back over 10 years ago and thanks to social networking it's even
stronger today…

Let me know if you need anything.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:58 PM, curtis lovett <cdjll@aol.com> wrote:

Please guide me to a real job from home or on line.

--- On Sun, 27/1/13, Ryan Pagliani <rpagz21@yahoo.com> wrote:


I can guide you into the right direction. Please email me at your earliest convenience!


On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:08 AM, "Nifra Malik" niframalik@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Dear All

Can anyone please guide me or suggest me, is there any real and genunie online workign site, in which I can earn from my home as I am quite good in computers / net / database and want to utilize my abilities and spare time. But as there is many spam/fake sites, so I am facing difficulties to reach to the right place.

thanks n regards,

Nifra Malik


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Februari 19, 2013

Re: need information


Please guide me to a real way to make money on line
-----Original Message-----
From: curtis lovett <cdjll@aol.com>
To: Make_Your_Money_Online <Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 1:46 pm
Subject: Re: need information

Please guide me to a real job from home or on line.

--- On Sun, 27/1/13, Ryan Pagliani <rpagz21@yahoo.com> wrote:


I can guide you into the right direction. Please email me at your earliest convenience!


On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:08 AM, "Nifra Malik" niframalik@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Dear All

Can anyone please guide me or suggest me, is there any real and genunie online workign site, in which I can earn from my home as I am quite good in computers / net / database and want to utilize my abilities and spare time. But as there is many spam/fake sites, so I am facing difficulties to reach to the right place.

thanks n regards,

Nifra Malik


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Februari 15, 2013

Re: need information


what is your mean?? you mean that you still not get any earnings from any sites, though you have worked a lot and instead pay by your pocket to that sites??

--- On Sun, 2/3/13, curtis lovett <cdjll@aol.com> wrote:

From: curtis lovett <cdjll@aol.com>
Subject: Re: need information
To: Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, February 3, 2013, 8:24 AM

Is this real I am tired of paying money and nothing is good. I am told if any want money up front do not do. Help
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Pagliani <rpagz21@yahoo.com>
To: Make_Your_Money_Online <Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Feb 3, 2013 10:15 am
Subject: Re: need information


I can guide you into the right direction. Please email me at your earliest convenience!�


On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:08 AM, "Nifra Malik" niframalik@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Dear All

Can anyone please guide me or suggest me, is there any real and genunie online workign site, in which I can earn from my home as I am quite good in computers / net / database and want to utilize my abilities and spare time. But as there is many spam/fake sites, so I am facing difficulties to reach to the right place.

thanks n regards,

Nifra Malik


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Februari 14, 2013

How To Grow A Profitable Marketing List


How To Grow A Profitable Marketing List

Probably the most important thing you can do in any online venture is build a list. The old adage "the money is in the list" probably is the truest thing you will learn when building an online empire. You can have the best product in the world, and the fanciest website with all the bells and whistles, but it does you little good if you have no one to market to.

Building a list is a simple task. Online marketers use a variety of methods to do so, but probably the most effective is the "squeeze page." This is nothing more than a form used online that has a great headline, offers a quality benefit, such as a free ebook or mini course, and contains a sign up form that captures the name and email address of people who are interested in the offer you present. Always be sure to give a high quality product in exchange for name and email address, or you will quickly lose credibility with the people you wish to market to. Many times, a marketer uses a squeeze page to "register" the subscriber that fills in the opt-in form for what is perceived as a much greater benefit.

The capture form on the squeeze page is always directly connected to an autoresponder. An autoresponder is nothing more than a service that collects email addresses, and automatically responds to the person signing up for your offer in the manner you set it up. The autoresponder will work in two different settings, depending on how you wish it to respond. The single opt-in method simply requires a subscriber to send a request via your opt-in form to be added to your mailing list. The double opt-in method requires two responses before a person is added to the mailing list. First, the subscriber fills out your opt-in form at your website and submits their request. Then, the autoresponder will send a verification email to the subscriber. The verification email contains a link that the new subscriber must click on to verify that they really do wish to join your mailing list.

The single opt-in method is the best way to build a large list in the least amount of time, but the double opt-in list is really the most preferable, as you have verification that the new subscriber has opted to join your mailing list. This added protection may take you longer to build your list, but by using the double opt-in method, you have proof that the subscriber really wishes to join your list.

This will keep you out of trouble with CAN-SPAM, the industry watchdog that regulates how commercial email is handled. The CAN-SPAM act was put into effect on January 1, 2004, and was put into law because of the prolific amount of spam, including deceptive advertising and pornography, that was being sent to the general public. CAN-SPAM also requires that you include an opt-out link in any email that you send to your list so that the subscriber can choose to opt-out if they no longer wish to receive your mailings.

Another simpler method is used on websites to grow lists. An opt-in form like what is used on a squeeze page is inserted in a prominent place on a website, usually offering an ebook or software to anyone wishing to join your mailing list. The benefit of this method is this – people visiting your website are showing interest in the niche you are marketing to, and therefore they will be more targeted towards your niche than a lot of squeeze page offers.

Either method works well. This strategy should be the first thing that you do when beginning an online business, because without a list, your chances of success are very limited.

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How to make money online


When you're just starting out online it's extremely easy to get confused. One marketing expert will tell you that Adsense is the ticket to big riches. Another one will tell you that AdWords is the way to go. Some will say information products. Others will say physical products. Some will say you need to have your own products. Meanwhile others will tell you of the fortune they earned as affiliates selling other's products.

So what can you believe? Who do you believe?

All of them. Or none of them.

The key to having a successful business is finding the right path for you. As cheesy as this sounds, you need to go with your heart.

Let me give you an example…

There are some experts who suggest that you build up an empire of mini-sites that you either sell affiliate products off of, or you build so that you can incorporate AdSense to get cash for clicks.

Now while some people think you need to have a site or two and make them a grand success, those who go the "underachiever" route say "not so!" If you build an empire – a suite of sites, if you will – then all of them only need to perform moderately in order for you to do well overall.

For example, some people spend all their time constantly tweaking a site to get $100 a day profit out of it ($3000 a month). However, those who prefer the underachiever route seek to build 100 sites that make $1 a day, or 200 sites that make 50 cents a day.

Can you build a site that can make one measly dollar per day? I'm sure you can. So the idea is to make a $1 a day earner, then move on to the next one, then build another, and so on. Time-permitting you can go back and tweak some of the better-performing sites to make them more profitable, but for the most part you seek to have a bunch of sites that make a small amount of money (though collectively they make a nice chunk of change).

It's a good idea, right? Sure it is! But if you're the type of person who has trouble taking your focus off of one thing and refocusing it on another, this model may not be right for you.

For example, today you might build a site about butterflies and another about toe fungus. Tomorrow your topics may include breast feeding and grooming poodles. The next day you could be building sites on artificial insemination and repairing leather upholstery.

If you get bored easily, this model may sound like a dream come true! You need only spend a few hours or a day working on a mini-site or blog before leaving it and working on another one.

On the flip side (as mentioned before), if you can't quickly refocus than this may sound like a nightmare. For example, you may find it difficult to focus for hours on artificial insemination, and then suddenly have to clear your mind, switch gears and start thinking about leather upholstery.

Here's what I'm trying to say: if you over ride your emotional feelings about a project you can easily be setting yourself up for failure.

Example: I've known people whose skin absolutely crawls when they think of blogging. They hate blogs and they hate blogging. And yet because they heard an expert say they must blog, they blogged …for about three months. Then they dropped it and never looked back.

Just as they suspected, they hated every moment of their blogging. But unfortunately because they ignored their gut feeling upfront, they basically wasted three months doing something they hated. They could have used those three months doing something productive that they enjoyed.

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Re: need information


Sure. There are a lot of way how to get online money. But, there are need extra hard work, focus, dedication etc.

Then, if you need quick cash I suggest you to read information from this site: http://www.fivabot.com/blog

At that site, you will find ways how to get money from Yahoo! Groups. You don't need a lot investments to that.

Hope it helps.



--- In Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com, "Nifra Malik" wrote:
> Hi Dear All
> Can anyone please guide me or suggest me, is there any real and genunie online workign site, in which I can earn from my home as I am quite good in computers / net / database and want to utilize my abilities and spare time. But as there is many spam/fake sites, so I am facing difficulties to reach to the right place.
> thanks n regards,
> Nifra Malik
-- End group email --


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Re: Is money greater than love?


Yes I agree this is not natural death, may be some nearst person is involve in it

--- On Wed, 2/13/13, kemogirl7 <kemogirl7@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: kemogirl7 <kemogirl7@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Is money greater than love?
To: Make_Your_Money_Online@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 5:08 AM

It can not be a natural death. The love of money must have caused his death and his wife should be questioned very well.

--- In Bright_Discussion_Group@yahoogroups.com, "Funny Guy" wrote:

Urooj Khan brought home his $425,000 lottery check after which he was poisoned the next day and died unexpectedly. He lived in the US but is originally from India and had a wife and a daughter from his previous marriage. The question is who poisoned him? And why was he poisoned?


Urooj Khan posses with his lottery winning ticket.

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Februari 13, 2013

Re: need information


Please guide me to a real job from home or on line.

--- On Sun, 27/1/13, Ryan Pagliani <rpagz21@yahoo.com> wrote:


I can guide you into the right direction. Please email me at your earliest convenience!


On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:08 AM, "Nifra Malik" niframalik@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Dear All

Can anyone please guide me or suggest me, is there any real and genunie online workign site, in which I can earn from my home as I am quite good in computers / net / database and want to utilize my abilities and spare time. But as there is many spam/fake sites, so I am facing difficulties to reach to the right place.

thanks n regards,

Nifra Malik


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Re: Is money greater than love?


It can not be a natural death. The love of money must have caused his death and his wife should be questioned very well.

--- In Bright_Discussion_Group@yahoogroups.com, "Funny Guy" wrote:

Urooj Khan brought home his $425,000 lottery check after which he was poisoned the next day and died unexpectedly. He lived in the US but is originally from India and had a wife and a daughter from his previous marriage. The question is who poisoned him? And why was he poisoned?


Urooj Khan posses with his lottery winning ticket.

See funny world news headlines below:

Indian man arrested for having six wives

Malaysian woman to be publicly caned for drinking beer

Woman fined for wearing trousers

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